Loubel Designs

Loubel Designs

We’re Sydney Graphic Designers

who believe in the power of post-breakup haircuts, outfits that gives you super powers,
and eating ice cream straight from the tub.

Don’t worry about your shoes, come in!
Can we get you something to drink?

Our mission is simply to help your business create a bigger splash, so that the ripple effects of your work can move more people onto a path of self-love, care, and compassion.

As brand and graphic designers for the wellness industry,

Graphic design for coaches and the wellness industry

You know that saying “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone?” While that’s been true for us all at one point or another, more often we find that we don’t know what we’ve been missing ‘til

we find the perfect fit.


Doubling down your efforts for something you’ve outgrown will consume more than just time and energy. You’ll rob yourself of the chance to experience the new that is out there for you.

When you walk through our (metaphorical) doors, we want you to slip into that feeling of

instant relief, comfort, and flexibility.

We’re all about

We don’t believe in overcomplicated. We prioritise ease and elegance, to let the essence of your brand shine.


We’re here to make quality graphic design a breeze with simple, straightforward processes that deliver what you need.


We’re all about making intentional and purpose-driven decisions to help you connect with your target market.


Our clients are clever business owners who value their time and know their impact.

Here’s what they have to say about our graphic design and branding services:

I love it! thank you so much. It looks beautiful, simple, and elegant! The very first one caught my eye straight away!
— Clare, Mezic Studio
The logo looks great!

You’ve done an amazing job! Thanks so much.
— Ronald, RC Carpentry

We help businesses in the beauty, health, and wellness industries to:

Attract ideal clients through minimalist design

Cut the clutter and focus on the foundational representation of their business

Feel confident in how their new brand fits them

Meet Steph

Founder and Director

Meet Steph Founder and Director

I know what it’s like to feel like you’re swimming in the right direction, but something about it’s still not quite right.

Fresh out of school, I enrolled in Interior Architecture thinking that I would go on to design creative and functional spaces for people to enjoy. There were elements I loved, but something wasn’t quite right.


So I transferred to Visual Communications, but I found the pace and application too slow. Then I found the world of online learning and I realised

I could hone these creative skills at

a speed that worked flexibly for me!

In 2018, Loubel Designs was born and it has grown from a freelance side-hustle to a thriving brand, graphic design, and social media studio supporting my family and my staff.


I’ve learnt that even when you’re swimming with the tide,

sometimes you need the right gear
to get you where you’re going faster. 

That’s where my passion to serve comes in.

By creating purposeful branding and graphic design, I’m able to help businesses like yours create a greater impact.


Ultimately, I do this so that you can live and work on your own terms, as you achieve your goals.

Meet Danielle

Social Media & Design

Meet Danielle Social Media & Design

Danielle is our not-so-secret weapon

She’s got a heart of gold that comes backed with a Bachelor of Commerce (double-major, we might add).

Her favourite part of working with businesses is how she can use her creative skills and enquiring mind, to help you grow in your potential.

Danielle from Loubel Designs Sydney Graphic Design Studio

“I’ve always wanted to be someone who makes an impact, whether that’s in my personal life or through my work.

It’s amazing to be part of the journey in helping other businesses to achieve their goals.”

Simple, comfortable, and effective are as timeless as your trusty Birkenstocks.

They’re all the proof we need that minimal graphic design is the best fit for your business.

If the shoe fits…

Apply to work with us!

Our focus is service. Our process is simple.

Our creations are purposeful. Our heart is connection.

Sydney Graphic Designers using tech